Aims and Objectives of the Council
The Preamble:
The pioneers and defenders of the Christian faith from the Church of England came to India and formed several Church bodies like Church Missionary Society (CMS) London Missionary Society (LMS), Society for propaganda of Gospel (SPG), The Salvartion Army, India Christian Mission (ICM) and several Church bodies and diffused Christian faith in different parts of India. From the date of enactment bf Indian Church Act 1927 followed by further developments and on the call of His Grace The Arch Bishop of Canterbury, developments took place for unification of Church bodies by dividing themselves into South and North Indian geographical parts. Most of the CMS, LMS, SPG along with some Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodist etc., except the Salvation Army, India Christian Mission (CM), have joined together and formed in the United Church of South India during 1947 and United Church of North India during 1964. There are also others who have not joined either in South or North Indian Unification.
Now there are faithful those who have not joined in the United Church reformation are still being officially considered as the Christians. They are scattered in South Indian parts and small pockets in North India. They are now grown and occupied a good part of Christendom. They were developed, organized into number of Churches and dioceses. They have obtained the Apostolic Succession from the Apostolic Church of India.
Now the Apostolic Church of India has resolved to form into a Union of Apostolic Churches in India with the name and style of "Apostolic Church of India Bishops Council" and thus this constitution emerges:
a. To invite all the Bishops ordained by the Apostolic Church of India to form into a council in unity to be an umbrella organization for the welfare of minority Christians in India especially Dalit and under privileged,
b. To Organize different spiritual and temporal programs for the welfare of the Church bodies/ Bishops who are members of this Council,
c. To Organize national and international seminars, conventions for unification of Christian bodies under Apostolic Church of India,
d. To Organize regional, national and international ecumenical meetings, dialogues with other denominational Churches for unity and solidarity,
e. To maintain good relations/ rapport and work with other denominational Churches for all the common issues of Christians in India,
f. To contact, conduct liaison and maintain good relation with all the State Governments and the Union Government of India for the welfare and protection of Christians in India,
g. To establish, run and maintain religious seminaries and institutions like Orphanages, general and professional educational institutions imparting education for Christian minorities and others in general,
h. To do all such other acts and things as may seem convenient and conducive to the carrying out of the objects of the Council.
The canonically consecrated Bishops of Apostolic Church of India who are interested and subscribes to the rules and regulations of this council shall be the Members of this Council. A Bishop has to file his application for membership and the final decision has to be taken by the Governing Body. The entrance/ membership fee shall be Rs.1000/- as a onetime membership fee. An annual subscription will also be collected as per the decision of the Executive council from time to time.
Friends of The Council
This is a friendship status with the council. Either Bishops ordained by Apostolic Church of India or any Bishop from other Christian denominations can become a Friend of this Council.
Termination of Membership
a. Resignation from the membership in writing b. Any act which constitutes serious breach of Christian faith/ I discipline and or conduct towards this council. This may be determined by the Council.
The Doctrine of the Council
The principle of belief expressed in worship, investing importance in approved prayer books and their rubrics are the doctrine holding the communion.
We believe that
(a) The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as "Containing all things necessary to salvation," and as 'being the rule and ultimate standard of faith.
(b) The Apostles' Creed, as the Baptismal Symbol; and the Nicene Creed, as the sufficient statement of the Christian faith.
(c) The two Sacraments ordained by Christ Himself - Baptism and the Supper of the Lord - ministered with unfailing use of Christ’s Words of Institution, and of the elements ordained by Him.
(d) The Historic Episcopate, locally adapted in the methods of its administration to the varying needs of the nations and people called of God into the Unity of His Church.
(e) Though we are in Council, each independent Church has its own doctrine and liturgy, and each church has its own legislative process and overall Episcopal Polity, under the leadership of a local primate.
(f) We are in union to ensure that our orthodoxy is maintained for the hope and salvation of all mankind and to the Glory of God. To that end it is therefore resolved
(g) We acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and that we are his servants in this world, keeping to the Faith as given.
(h) We hold to the doctrine as revealed by God in the Holy Scriptures, the Canon known as the King James Version and New King James Version of the Holy Bible, as holding all things necessary for salvation.
(i) We use the Book of Common Prayer in any such version as may be duly authorised to maintain orthodox liturgy and a common practice of worship.
(J) We hold to the Holy Orders, the diaconate of Bishop Priest and Deacon, and we believe that in accordance with the teaching of Holy Scripture and the traditions of the church that all who hold these Orders must be men of high moral character.
All the Bishops enrolled into this council shall be the full pledged members of this council and forms the General body.
Duties and functions of the General body
1. The General Body shall meet once in a year.
2. Due notice of such meeting shall be delivered by hand or by registered post with acknowledgement due to ensure the receipt of the notice.
3. The General body is commonly chaired by the Cardinal/ Chairman of the Council. In his absence, his nominee will chair the meeting.
4. To advise the dioceses in matters/affairs where the council help is sought.
5. To issue/give advice to the Bishops / Diocese for their welfare and development of the members of the Churches.
6. To impart teachings to the members of its council.
The Advisory Council and its duties and functions
There shall be an Advisory Council for the Council to lay down broad policies for working of, and for the fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the Council.
1. Five Bishops out of the roll of membership shall be selected by the Cardinal/ Chairman for the Advisory council for every three years.
2. The term of the Advisory Council shall be three years from the date of their selection.
Duties of Office Bearers
Cardinal / Chairman:
1. The Cardinal of the Apostolic Church of India shall be the Executive head of the council with the powers of over all responsibility/ control and supervision over its affairs as chairman.
2. He shall act and take decisions in all matters.
3. He shall chair all the meetings of the Council.
A minimum of seven (7) days notice shall be given for any meeting of the General Body/ Advisory Council. A quorum for any such meetings shall constitutes not less than 2/5th of the members of the body.
Properties and Funds
All properties both movable and immovable, funds and securities of the Council shall be vested in the name of Apostolic Church of India.
Legal proceedings
The Apostolic Church of India Bishops Council may sue or be sued in the name of this council. The Executive Council may appoint any of its member /s to represent it at legal proceedings.
Dr.S. FreddyBishop.
Dr.ST. NovahBishop.
Dr.S. Gideon SolomonBishop.
Dr.Onesimus ThayalagaranBishop.
Dr.Alright BaskaranBishop.
Dr.R.Josuah PaulBishop.
Dr.Jayasingh SamuelBishop.
Dr.V.Cornelius DevaprakasamBishop.
Dr.Agimas JayachandranBishop.
Dr.A.Paul ThomasBishop.
Dr.Ebinezer SargunamBishop.
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Apostolic Church of India - SYNOD
New No.15, Angels Apartments,
Durai Arasan St, Saligramam,
Chennai - 600093,
Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
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